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For my me and my girlfriend's anniversary, I decided to surprise her with a unique gift that she will absolutely love. Ever since we were together, she's always adored butterflies. She even has a butterfly tattoo on her leg from when she was in college. I can also say that she has some qualities similar to a butterfly. She has a delicate beauty but an adventurous spirit. So for her birthday, I'm going to surprise her with a beautiful diamond butterfly ring. I didn't see her ever wear one so I'm assuming she doesn't have one yet. I know she's going to love it and I chose a design that's simple so she can wear it all the time.Do you want to learn more? Visit butterfly ring.

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The butterfly ring I selected is one I saw at a jewelry store a few months back. I was curious so I looked up the website of the shop and searched for the ring. I found it to be at a price range that fits my budget and I can also customize the ring so long as I give them enough time. The butterfly on the ring itself is quite simple, just made from the same metal as the band. I had a small diamond ring embedded to put a little more value to the ring. I also chose the ring to be in gold.

It wasn't too hard to decide on the butterfly ring design since there are a lot of ideas that I found online. The ones I found were rather intricate and loud, with some pieces that are as huge as the person's hand. Others come in a variety of precious and semi-precious stones that I found a little too much. I know my girlfriend's style and I know she would never wear a ring that can be spotted from a mile away.

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